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Fabian Freire, Ed.D.
CV Résumé

Fabian Freire, doctor of education in Adult Learning and Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University, thrives through the analytical application of online collaboration tools and the production of digital content for connecting with diverse target audiences.

As a university administrator, Fabian has a wealth of experience marketing education programs and community engagement initiatives in close collaboration with academic, artistic and cultural organizations. Fabian's practice as an education researcher and digital communications specialist integrates principles of organizational learning and communication design to the implementation of institutional policies and technology systems across diverse social contexts. These efforts have resulted in the succesful adoption of enterprise-grade systems that comply with digital accessibility, copyright, and student rights regulations in the Americans with Disabilities Act, Intellectual Property, and FERPA laws.

Fabian has published articles related to the implementation of massive open online learning courses (MOOCs) for professional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fabian also directs the editorial line and production for the video channel and podcast series: Nuestras Facultades (Our Faculties), which explores themes of human development through the difusion of scientific, artistic, and ancestral knowledge from Latin America and the Caribbean .


Freire, F. (2021). Systemic Tensions in the MOOC Design Cycle: An Activity Systems Analysis upon Implementing edX for Latin America and the Caribbean. Open Praxis, 13(3), 279–295. doi:

Freire, F. (2020). A case study of work-based learning through the design of edX MOOCs for Latin America and the Caribbean. Open Praxis, 12(3), 383-397.


Freire, F. (2020, December 23). Reflexiones Sobre Certificación, Acceso e Instrucción al Completar el MOOC “Qué Funciona en Educación: Políticas Educativas Basadas en Evidencia” del BID.

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